Victoria Moon

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20 Useful Gifts for the Expecting Mama to Be

Although at times I feel like I just graduated college - and then quickly reminded that is not the case after a "fun" night out - I'm now in the stage of life where a lot of my friends are pregnant, have a baby or  planning for a baby!  It's kinda crazy (in an exciting way!). Our conversations used to (always) have the phrase, "Nooo, no babies yet! One day though..."  you know, that one day in the far, far future. Well, that one day is now here and our chats have slightly changed.  Today’s convos tend to touch on subjects like, which books to read to prepare for pregnancy, to discussing (AKA laughing together) about the hot flashes or mood swings they’re experiencing from being pregnant, to what their baby's first word or solid food was.

With that said, over the past few years I have been buying my friends the cute baby onesies, baby books and (incredibly soft!) baby blankets. But, I realized that these adorable baby items are pretty much given to the mom-to-be by everyone (who can pass up that ridiculously cute and fluffy polar bear onesie?!).

Inspired by my big sis being pregnant for the first time (baby boy due in March!), I have compiled a list of gifts specifically for the mom-to-be that will help make her life easier once their "mini-me" arrives!  With the input from some of my "newly mom" friends, here is a list of 20 items your friend will appreciate during the pregnancy and beyond.

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